Everything you need to build and scale - Alexander Sonnenfeld, CEO SKY INCOM Deutchland

SKY INCOM is a MODx expert - for more than 7 years we integrate the system, hundreds of modules and plugins, thousands of snippets, dozens of thousands chunks were writtin in this period. We are in the TOP-1o MODx developers all over the world according to the number of MODx based projects. 

We offer a full range of services on MODx CMS/CMF development

Complexity of a project doesn't matter - our experience and skills allow us to realize any task. 

We develop complex and very complex projects on your favorite system/framework. We create responsive websites and coprorate projects for companies along with custom online stores and standard solution for quick launch. We have tons of our own features for Revo and Evo (MODx Evolution and Revolution). We also create backend for mobile apps on MODx.

Proper structure and program logic projecting, clean code, and obviously end product of high quality - this is how SKY INCOM works.

You can address us for a development of a website, web service, application, online store on a turnkey basis, or have rework of the existing website on any MODx version. We will gladly help you to create all you have in mind - CREATIVE FREEDOM - MODx - this system goes without limitations. 

P.S. MODx входит в лидеры МИРОВЫХ средств разработки и сравнивать ее с системами управления (как многие клиенты просят) не хотим и не будем, это тоже самое что сравнивать признанный во всем мире Lamborghini и русскую Ладу Калину.

P.S. MODx is a WORLD leading development tool and we won't compare it with other management systems as some our clients ask. It is completely pointless.

The one who used MODx once falls in love with it forever. 

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